I cooked this ugly pan of salt dough weeks ago. Lots of grreat crackly texture. Finally painted it with the usual gray rocky colors. Can you guess what's next?

The written word is my best form of art, but I will sing or sculpt game or act or paint as the Spirit leads me. I am here to discover truth through creating. I want to know what it feels like to think like myself, or like someone else.
I cooked this ugly pan of salt dough weeks ago. Lots of grreat crackly texture. Finally painted it with the usual gray rocky colors. Can you guess what's next?
This is similar to the dust tactics tenements i see for sale. Made the blueprints myself although i need to adjust them and i need a better way to cut clean edges. Use a sharp razor. Found out i could plunge the tip of my craft knife through a wall while it was lying down, catch the tip on the cutting board and move the wall instead of the blade to finish cutting out the windows. That technique might allow me to cut some very fine designs later.
This building will need a. Lot of detail work but making multi story ruins sounds easy in comparison. Time to hit walmart for more Elmer's foam board ... and new razor blades.