Friday, September 14, 2007

Film With Same-Sex Parents Splits School District

In one town in New Jersey, half the parents think they can shield their children from the fact that some parents are same-sex. They want to discuss it in the home, rather than let an award-winning documentary director relay the truth through a video shown at school. Rather than let a montage of children, like the third grade viewers, tell them that same-sex couples are real and (blasphemy) actually healthy loving families.
The kids in the video are probably just like the kids your child will meet at school. Some of your child's classmates are bound to know about gay people and may even come from a family with two dads. Do you want to risk that they start a conflict by saying "your parents are both faggits" or "they're not your parents"?
You fundamentalists must be shaking in your boots. Divorce didn't go the way you wanted it to, and society may be better or worse (people are evenly divided on that, though I personally think marriage is underrated). Divorce didn't go your way either, and society didn't fall apart so you may be wrong. Hell, back i nthe day when slavery was illegal and women couldn't vote you didn't want to change. Now things are so different, and what's next but acceptance of different sexual lifestyles. If a homosexual family comes across to your kids as healthier than your own, you're done. Either that, or there'll be some new societal advance to stop from evolving. That reminds me, shouldn't we keep evolution out of schools? Yet another place where America is evenly divided.
If people can't agree on what God is, if God is, and most of all on what God wants with the SAME EVIDENCE, how the hell can a person who refuses to expose themselves and/or their children to some of that evidence hope to know the truth? This country is proof that humans don't know squat, and news like this is proof that 50% of humans don't know we don't know. See quote in last post.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Absolute rationalism - the irony

Education is a method whereby one acquires a higher grade of prejudices. - Laurence J. Peter
That certainly applies to Ken. It also reminds me of an inherent fallacy in liberal thinking: the conservation of an attitude that conservatives are wrong. Maybe conservatives fight against the lifting of traditional discrimination in societies. Maybe they got us into a wrong-headed war in Iraq and don't know how to win or quit. If you read that sentence and ignore the maybes, as I think and other super-liberals do, then you do NOT have a liberal open mind. Think about it.
On a personal note, the same goes for Ken. See the quote above. When you have a "higher standard" or rationality, reason, etc. you are in fact close-minded. Maybe you are open-minded about the status of women, or homosexuals or even people of many ethnicities. When you, as an absolutist atheist, demand that people with faith prove it with rational science, you are still closing your mind in that area. You make the quote true. That's the danger of absolutes, even "absolute open-mindedness." We are human, as God said. Need forgiveness? Ask Him.