Monday, October 29, 2012

Two trios of terrain

Here are the makings of three wooded discs and three rocky outcrop discs. We use old CDs (classic rock i am tired of) as the bases. Pine cones as trees and lumps of coal and other random rocks as ... rocks. More pics later.

Update: 4 discs look like something now. Loving the old rasp i nabbed at a yard sale for 25 cents. It made a great texture of porous rock on the all foam disc. Worked in some trees and maple bark rocks for the others. Gluing ...

Finished ruins

Wow. I think this turned out fantastically. Fantasy? I admit it's not very sci-fi but that's fine. Again, this is based on miniwargaming's great video tutorial. Foam board. I used two kinds of static grass because i do not have fine turf (ground foam). Base made from paneling because i do not have masonite. Painted with cheap craft paints from Walmart (Apple Barrel - made in the USA). Now if only my bark would dry out so i can make rock terrain ...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Molding and carving

Still working on terrain although a bit of life has happened lately. Here are some photos of easy modular gaming hills made from high density foam and some molding experiments using salvaged food containers. The joint compound was waaay too thick to dry properly if at all. I am hopeful that this paper mache pulp will for good pieces but i don't even know what it should feel like sooo i will let you know.

Hope from the mayfly

I created this meme a few weeks ago. Didn't go viral on Facebook like I was hoping but I still like it. Enjoy.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ruins terrain for 40k

Finally got around to whipping up some ruins terrain from foam board and hardboard (masonite). It was as easy as miniwargaming made it look in their video and tons of fun. All u need is a razor knife and elmer's glue.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Terrain out to dry

Left to right we have barricades with styrofoam filler,ashen hedge with scorched grass and dirt hedge with green grass. All are curing with pva glue. They will look much better once set and the excess foam beads and grass are brushed away. Also i am attaching a few recent photos of projects underway