Monday, May 14, 2007

Christian history of America - Jamestown vs. St. Augustine

Funny how quickly people forget. The '400th anniversary of America' was just celebrated in Jamestown. lamented that the Christian edict from England which created Jamestown to Christianize the savages wasn't given weight.
I remember learning in history class that St. Augustine, Florida was the oldest city in America. It is. It was established 42 years before Jamestown. It was Spanish and Catholic. Why don't people argue that we are a Catholic nation or that the national language should be Spanish? It has nothing to do with actual history. It has everything to do with the tradition dictated by those who won, the English. The English and German colonists in the north were more numerous and more successful. The Germans became 'aliens' several hundred years later when American nationalism peaked during World War I. Then we became an English Protestant nation by tradition, but historically speaking things are much murkier.

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